Thursday 26 November 2020

The ants and the Grasshopper!

 Find Specific Information

1.What bush creatures are included in this story? The bush creatures included in the story were Ants, a Grasshopper, a Wasp, a Wētā and Huhu grubs.

2. What did the grasshopper do during the first summer of the story? The grasshopper sat back and relaxed in the sun and made music during the summer.

3. What services did the grasshopper provide the ants over winter? The grasshopper was the ants Waiter, Builder and night protector.

4. How did the huhu grubs pay the grasshopper? The huhu grubs paid the grasshopper in food.

Make Inferences

Why has the author chosen to make the ants speak in short sentences and give brief replies? So the ants don't talk for hours and so their instructions are clear.

Show Your Understanding

1. The grasshopper needed food for the next winter.

2. The ants sighed at the grasshopper because it seemed like he was going back to his old ways.

3. The grasshopper asked the huhu grubs to give food to the ants so he could pay them back for saving his life

4. It was a short story with animals with human like abilities and there was a moral to the story

Describe a character

Huhu grub.

The Huhu grub were lazy and just ate and sunbathed in the sun. But in winter they were cold and had no food.


Kupe and the cooked octopus

 This animation is based off: Kupe and the Giant Wheke

We made an animation about a different ending that could happen in the story.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Respect Poster

We are learning to use these design elements in our advertisement:  colours, shapes, lettering, use of space, proportion, composition, symbols and logos.

We are learning to explore our school values.

Success Criteria: We have chosen ONE of the school values and created a static advertisement to illustrate and persuade others in our school to demonstrate this school value.

It was hard finding the right characters for the poster and also fitting all the information in. You might have to zoom in or put the poster in full screen to read easily.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Advertisement AFOREST


WALT: Identify persuasive writing techniques in advertising.

We did this to learn about ads.

We learnt what alliteration means and some other words.

What do you like and what do you think we should do better next time?